Aldo Manuzio
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First Milanese period 1481/2 - 1499


An equestrian effigy of Francesco Sforza (either Leonardo�s model of the Sforza horse or an image based on his design) is displayed under a triumphal arch inside Milan cathedral during the festivities for the marriage of Ludovico�s niece, Bianca Maria Sforza, to the Emperor Maximilian I of Hapsburg.

On 20th December Leonardo decides to cast the Sforza horse on its side without the tail, implying that the clay model is finished.

Bernardo Bellincioni's Rime ("Rhymes"), published in Florence, praises Leonardo's Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani.

The Codex Madrid I and II and the Paris Manuscript H were begun.

Aldo Manuzio, founder of the Aldine Press, begins printing books in Venice.