Mirror Image
Mirror writing, writing from right to left with flipped letters, is harder than it looks. Try it and see how well you do.
Was Leonardo getting up to something sinister with his mirror writing? Click here to find out… (expand)
By writing in the reverse direction it’s possible, but fiendishly
difficult, to create a mirror image of the words we are producing. Some
people believe that this style of writing may once have been a crude
attempt to create a kind of code. It’s even been claimed that Leonardo,
who made most of his notes using mirror writing, may have done so in an
attempt to stop his rivals from stealing his ideas or to prevent some
of his more controversial beliefs from reaching the attention of the
Catholic Church, who could be entirely humourless in these matters.
A simpler explanation is that, as a left handed person, he wrote
from right to left in order to avoid smudging the ink on the page. Some
left-handers do this readily.
Brain scans have shown that there are some important differences
between the brains of left and right handed people. While right handed
people tend to develop specific parts of the brain which are devoted to
particular tasks, left handers, such as Leonardo, demonstrate far
greater flexibility and much less specialisation – they also tend to
recover from strokes far more quickly.
Incidentally, the technical term for left-handedness is sinistrality, which derives from the Latin word sinister, meaning “left”. This would suggest that Leonardo was a truly sinister artist.
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